Welcome to the
Clonberne Wind Farm Project

The lands to the west of Clonberne village have been identified as having potential to accommodate a wind farm development. Over the past few years, a feasibility study has been undertaken to assess the site’s potential. This has included an extensive bird monitoring programme amongst various other environmental studies to determine the viability of the project. It is envisaged that a planning application will be submitted in early 2024.

The Government published the Climate Action Plan in 2021, outlining the decision to increase renewable electricity production from wind and solar up to 80% by 2030 and establishing Ireland as a climate neutral economy by 2050.

This plan has set a target of up to 8GW of Onshore Wind to be supplied to the national grid by 2030. The proposed Wind Farm project is, in part, a response to the challenges of climate change and ensuring a secure supply of Ireland’s future energy needs.

Clonberne Wind Farm Details

Environment surveys carried out have indicated that the Clonberne Wind Farm will comprise the following:

  • 11 No. wind turbines

  • Site entrances, new onsite access roads and upgrade of existing onsite roads

  • Electricity substation, control buildings & battery storage

  • Borrow pit

  • Temporary construction compounds.

What makes this site suitable for a wind farm?

  • The site is classified as being “Open to Consideration” in the Galway Wind Energy Strategy

  • The site has reasonable access for grid connection to the national electricity grid

  • The site has good annual average wind speeds

  • The site is not protected as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Area (SPA) or Natural Heritage Area (NHA)

  • The site has good road access to facilitate turbine transport.

Where will the wind farm be connected to?

The proposed wind farm will connect to the National Grid via underground cabling to the existing 220kV line southwest of Clonberne village in the townland of Laughill.

Next Steps

Upon completion of the EIAR, Clonberne Windfarm Limited intends to submit the planning applications to An Bord Pleanála (ABP) in the coming months. One planning application will be submitted to ABP seeking permission for the proposed 11 No. wind turbines and associated infrastructure. The second planning application regarding the 220kV infrastructure and associated works will be submitted to ABP in accordance with Section 182A of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended. Both applications will include:

  • Application forms and public notices

  • Planning drawings

  • Environmental Impact Assessment Report

  • Natura Impact Statement

Notification of the intention to lodge these applications will be placed in relevant newspapers. Once submitted, all planning application documents and drawings will be available for viewing in the offices of ABP. The information will also be available to view on website portals, this usually takes a few days for the information to be uploaded.

Clonberne Windfarm Limited will also continue to update all residents closest to the development on the project progress and will notify them of the lodgement date.

Following lodgement of the applications, members of the community can make submissions to the relevant authority during the assigned public consultation period. Clonberne Windfarm Limited will continue to be available to discuss any individual queries in relation to the application.

Site Location

The proposed wind farm site is located in the townlands of Killavoher, Kilmurry, Gortagarraun, Cloonarkan, Clonberne, Laughil, Lomaunaghroe and Ballyedmond approximately 1.5 kilometres west of Clonberne village. The proposed development would be accessed off the R328 Clonberne to Dunmore road.

Click here to visit the Clonberne Virtual Consultation Room